Here are my notes for followup and research. Soon to come are who to contact with a complaint.
What a laugh.
With this type of Harper Government logic, we can see how they will shrink the size of Canada's Federal Government. Get rid of everything except the Ministry of Finance and the PMO. Take all the revenue and give it to for profit companies to run our country.
There, reduced government to almost nothing.
Have these clowns ever looked into the business of advertisement? Do they truly think that it is an industry that doesn't charge huge sums of money or thrive on hidden perks? Do they honestly believe that it is an industry that promotes honest and reliable content?
Nick the Centrist
If the EAP program has concluded, why are we still seeing ads on TV and in print?
If Murcdoch can go down, so can Harper.
Or as Doug Ford so eloquently put it...
"Gravy train! Gravy train!"
No doubt Paul Rhodes will be high on the list as recipient of taxpayers largesse
If the Harper Government is going to start hiring their Marketing as outsource, at least fire all the communications people (Torie Animators) who you hired into the Civil Service over the last 5 years.
Government ads and websites feature heavy splashes of blue – the colour of the Conservative Party – and press releases promote the accomplishments of the “Harper government.” At times, these changes have riled the bureaucracy.
That's the job of the civil servants. They are paid by the people of Canada, through the House of Commons, and not by the Executive Council.
When the executive Council steps outside their authorities they are to inform and caution and to be available to inform the House of Commons.
No PR firm dependent on their employment to the Prime Minister and his Cabinet has no such restraints and would see the House of Commons no different than someone to be convinced by spin.
We have seen how Harper "informs" the public now, imagine what he could do if he could lock the Professional Civil Service out of policy formation.