Monday, December 19, 2011

Keep the Guns out of the Hands of Civilians

Police Seizure of Automatic Weapons Triple in 2011 due to Border Laxity
automatic weapons seized in B.C. coming from the U.S.
Well just because some guy wants to get through the border five minutes faster, we might be shot at if in the wrong place, just as in the States.  Yessiree.  The drunk gangs have been cleaned up from South America and Mexico is now the leader in the drug trade.  Marijuana from B.C. travels south from B.C. in hollowed out logs and cocaine moves north for cross Canada distribution.  Given the declining job prospects in Vancouver, little wonder that the gangs may grow as they did in L.A.  All because of three key ingredients:  laxer border security, dissolution of the gun registry, and very desperate people who are out of work and have no future job prospects. 

I'm using this blog to add content as it comes up from twitter and other feeds. Here's the source for what follows: VanObserver Vancouver Observer American #guns, Canadian deaths: VO investigates. #Vancouver @CanBorder #guncontrol.  So that you might want to follow @VO  or use the other search terms yourself.

Today's issue is the recent attempt to end the gun registry. What that means to every Canadian is that we would be coming closer to normalizing a gun culture as so often seen in films these days. Most of us live in cities and read about shootings, random gun violence in the streets. Even though Ontario is statistically low in per capita crime, guns are still being used by criminals and often in domestic violence.

We must end the symbolism attached to gun ownership. No individual is above the law. We don't need to kill animals; farmers can call the Animal control to deal with wildlife and have it humanely relocated.

City people pay agencies to remove skunks, racoons. Farmers don't need guns as their lives are not on the line.

Follow this issue on twitter under #Coalition4GunControl
Show support for a re-enstatement of this legislation. Conservative Jim Hilyer makes gun shooting signals after the vote to ban registry goes through. Remember it is still be contested by Quebec to keep their files. Hope they win.

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