Showing posts with label blackberry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blackberry. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Love The Blackberry not the Apple Toy

For doing real business, the Blackberry is by far a preferred product when compared to the IPOD.  Yet the Canadian Press is beating it up, or trying to, and for no other reason except to kill it.  Blackberries are made in several countries in the world, not just China, and one of them being the United States.  It's an ethical company that gives back to the community.  Bad press should be shunned.  Here's a Globe commentator who agrees.


4:35 AM on February 1, 2012
I must admit I find this article incredibly strange.

There is absolutely no doubt that Apple is doing amazingly well, with results that are "out of this world" - see recent G&M article. Also, RIM has had quite a few huge missteps, and was caught completely flat-footed by the iPhone, which they arrogantly viewed as not a threat to them prior to its launch.

However, that in itself is hardly news anymore. Also, there is an amazing lack of analysis in this article. No statistics or even remote attempt at a competent review of blackberry usage among professionals working in the legal and financial sector. It is mostly based on a conversation in a coffee shop with a couple of lawyers...and even those guys still seem to use a blackberry and say that the majority of the lawyers they work with do as well. Bizarre. Mr. Gray - what would possess you to write this type of article? Do you hold yourself to any standard of journalistic integrity?

Your article seems to amount to: "Hey, listen to what a couple of lawyers in a coffee shop told me - they don't like their blackberries. BUT - they are using them, and so are their friends. I have some other info too, but those guys don't want to go on record, but they said some bad things. So in conclusion - even elites don't use a blackberry anymore, except that they often do."

G&M - you really should be ashamed. What is your long-term vision for this paper? More of this type of journalism?


3:11 AM on February 1, 2012
the Globe is owned by BELL which makes a lot of money selling iPhones and iPaids, etc.

Bell is a terrible company, they treat their employees like garbage, customers even worse.
So this constant attack on BB is some Bell corporate order from on high to sell more iPhone contracts from Bell.

Someone is getting iPaid along the way.

Randolph Duke

12:35 AM on February 1, 2012
G&M doesn't need to promote RIM just because they are Canadian, but they seem quick on the draw to report anything which makes the company look like it's going down.

It's not this one particular article though - it is the overall reporting about RIM that seems inclined towards unfavorable news, rather than maintaining equal focus on positive accomplishments.

Personally I thought this article was disgraceful, and totally unnecessary.


3:38 AM on February 1, 2012
You wonder why this Toronto newspaper is losing their loyal subscribers/readers.

I'm using a leaked OS 7.1 on my Bold 9900 and I can tell you that it is a better phone than a kiddie i-toy.

Blackberry Traffic is now the best "phone GPS" out there released days ago.

You can now share internet using WIFI with "Mobile Hospot Connection" in BB OS 7.1.


4:06 AM on February 1, 2012
I'm suffering an iPad right now. It does one fun thing at a time while swtching seamlessly between apps. Typing is slower with just a single digit instead of opposing thumbs. The auto correct can be ludicrous.

The Globe and Mail have Harper trolls voting thumbs down.  Hard to believe that they need to politicize even the Canadian product.  Most real readers would just remain neutral.  These folks are paid to spread dissent and bully pro Blackberry users with sarcasm and hate. Sample of troll below.


9:07 PM on January 31, 2012
Hard to believe these idiots won't sell this company. They'd rather drive it into the ground. A real shame. As soon as one of their competitors decides to enter the business arena, RIM will be dead meat.